Побалуйте себя роскошью нашей Цветочной Подписки и наблюдайте, как ваше жилое пространство превращается в оазис элегантности и удовольствия. Каждая композиция создана с любовью и принесет счастье и спокойствие в вашу жизнь.
Starting From 1400 AED/per month
Испытайте острые ощущения, представляя новый цветочный шедевр каждую неделю, и позвольте очарованию цветов очаровать ваши чувства. В конце концов, жизнь слишком коротка, чтобы не окружать себя красотой, а с нашей подпиской красота будет приходить к вам неделю за неделей в виде самых изысканных творений природы.
Минимальный план подписки 4 недели

Вазы изображенные на картинках не входят в подписку
Starting From 1400 AED/per month
Испытайте острые ощущения, представляя новый цветочный шедевр каждую неделю, и позвольте очарованию цветов очаровать ваши чувства. В конце концов, жизнь слишком коротка, чтобы не окружать себя красотой, а с нашей подпиской красота будет приходить к вам неделю за неделей в виде самых изысканных творений природы.
minimum subscription plan 4 weeks

Вазы изображенные на картинках не входят в подписку
От 1400 AED
Ваша BI- Еженедельная подписка не только поразит ваши чувства и воспламенит ваше воображение, но также обеспечит удобство и простоту, которых вы заслуживаете. Мы позаботимся обо всем: от поиска самых свежих и изысканных цветов до их умелой аранжировки таким образом, чтобы продемонстрировать их природную красоту. Устройтесь поудобнее, расслабьтесь, и позвольте нам без проблем доставить волшебство цветов к вашему порогу..
minimum subscription plan 4 month

* Vases shown in pictures are excluded from the subscription
От 1400 AED
Not only will your Bi-Weekly Subscription dazzle your senses and ignite your imagination, but it also offers the convenience and ease you deserve. We take care of everything, from sourcing the freshest, most exquisite flowers to expertly arranging them in a way that showcases their inherent beauty. Sit back, relax, and let us bring the magic of flowers to your doorstep, hassle-free.
Минимальная подписка на 2 месяца

Вазы изображенные на картинках не входят в подписку
Bliss Ежемесячно
От 1050 AED
Каждая ежемесячная поставка — это тщательно оркестрованная симфония самых изысканных творений природы. Представьте себе нежные розы множества оттенков, их лепестки мягкие, как бархат, или элегантные каллы, высокие и гордые. Тщательно отобранные цветы в сопровождении пышной зелени и акцентных цветов образуют гармоничную композицию, которая заставит ваше сердце биться чаще.
Минимальная подписка на 3 месяца

* Vases shown in pictures are excluded from the subscription
Bliss Ежемесячно
От 1050 AED
Each monthly delivery is a carefully orchestrated symphony of nature's most exquisite creations. Picture delicate roses in a myriad of hues, their petals soft as velvet, or elegant calla lilies standing tall and proud. The carefully selected blooms, accompanied by lush greenery and accent flowers, come together in harmonious arrangements that will make your heart skip a beat.
Минимальная подписка на 3 месяца
With our flower subscription, you can pick a flower delivery weekly, biweekly, or once a month. Our subscription is available for delivery Monday to Sunday. Subscription will renew automatically so you’ll continue receiving curated bouquets without the hassle of purchasing again.
No, the initial subscription includes BLISS signature vases specifically curated to match our bouquet collection. The showcased Tanagra vases are used for display purposes to enhance the visual presentation of our floral arrangements. If you wish to switch to Tanagra vases in the future, please contact our customer support team for assistance in making the change.
There are 2 locations for your arrangements to select: Coffee table and Dining Table. And you may choose the size for selected type opf arrangement accordingly: Premier, Grand, Luxury, Magnificent. Please tap here to review actual size look.
Every bouquet comes with care instruction card, where you may find tutorial to keep your flowers last longer. Here are key suggestions:
-Unpack flowers as soon as possible -Remove tie placed on flowers
-Recut flower stem 1⁄2 to 3⁄4 inches and place in lukewarm water
-Remove any foliage that will be under water
-Don’t overload the flowers in container
-Check the water level in the vase and replenish it frequently
-Flowers that go limp are not drinking well and need to be recut
-Always discard wilted blooms
As a Bespoke+ subscriber, you will have the exclusive service arranging every new replenishment with our best floral designer. You can specify your preferred flower types, colors, styles, location for arrangemet. Our designers will craft exquisite arrangements that reflect your individual taste and preferences.
Absolutely! Bespoke+ Plan Subscriptions is an especially popular gift for the holidays, but you can customize your subscription gift
by frequency and duration to choose a subscription best suited to your recipient! Surprise a loved one this holiday season with a
flower subscription.
While the Simple Plan may not offer the same level of bouquet customization as the Bespoke+ subscription, we still provide options for you to choose from. Here's how the bouquet selection process works for the Simple Plan: Bliss Signature, Seasonal, Designer’s choice.
Certainly. If you have any special preferences or allergies, please mention them at “Leave a special note“ section.
Yes, you can skip a shipment or pause your subscription anytime. You will not be charged for skipped months. Contact us at
[email protected] or Whatsapp and we will be happy to assist you.
To update your delivery address, log into your Bliss Account account and enter your new address under the account management dashboard.
Bliss offer Ongoing payment plan. you will be billed according to the delivery schedule you select (either weekly, bi-weekly, or
Shipping is always free on your subscription order
Depending on the day you first choose for your flower delivery and cadence, we’ll deliver on that day for all future deliveries. So, if you get your flowers delivered on Thursday bi-weekly, you’ll get another flower delivery two weeks later on a Thursday.
If you would like to cancel your membership, you have to do so at your personal cabinet. We would love your experience with us
is always blissful! If you’re canceling due to an unsatisfactory experience, please contact us by email at [email protected] or
Whatsapp. To cancel your subscription, log into your account. Click on the Subscriptions tab. Scroll down to the bottom of the
page and Select “cancel subscription”. After this, your subscription will not continue renewing. Please note: An email will be sent to
verify you have canceled your subscription and if you do not receive an email, you did not cancel